Computer Fundamentals & Programing




  1. The word "computer" comes from the word "compute" which means to calculate.

  2. A computer is an advanced electronic data processing device which accepts and store data input, process that data input and generates the output in a required format.

  3. C- Commonly

O- Operated

M- Machine

P- Particularly

U- Used for

T- Trade

E- Education & Entertainment

R- Research

Data Processing:-

The activity of processing data using a computer is called data processing.

Data:- Data data is a raw material used as input, which is entered by users for processing.

Information:- Information is processed data obtained as output after data Processing in a required format.

Data → Capture Data → Manipulate Data → Output Data → Information

Characteristics of Computer:-

  1. Speed:- A computer is a very high speed device. They can perform or execute more than hundred million instructions per second, thus resulting in a very high speed performance.

  2. Accuracy:- The accuracy of a computer is constantly high and the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends upon its design. But for a particular computer, each and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. Errors can occur in a computer due to inaccurate data.

  3. Versatility:- A computer is a very fast versatile machine. It can be used to solve problems related to different fields. At one moment, it may be solving a complex problem and the very next moment it may be playing a game and then is busy in taking up a database problem.

  4. Diligence:- Human beings get bored and tired and loses efficiency and accuracy in respective tasks but a computer never gets bored or tired. It will perform a calculation with the same speed and same accuracy for any number of times.

  5. Reduce Paperwork and Cost:- The use of computers for data processing has helped the management of business organisations to cope with the increasing problem of paper handling by eliminating some of paper needs through the storage of data in computers.

  6. Storage Capacity:- 

  7. Reliability:- The computers are reliable, very accurate and do not make mistakes in arithmetic calculations. The reason behind this is that at hardware level, it does not require human intervention between its processing operation. so, a computer is a reliable machine.

  8. No Feeling:- Computers do not have emotions, knowledge, experience, feeling.

  9. No I.Q.:- Computer does not work without instruction

  10. Lack of Concentration:-

  11. No Self-Care:- 

  12. Dependency:- Computers depend on human beings for instructions. It does not work without instructions, which are entered by humans.

Generation of Computer:-

Computers were developed in five distinct phases known as generation of computer. Each phase is characterized by types of switching circuits is used.

First Generation (1946-59)

  • These computers used "Vacuum Tubes" as their main compartments.

  • They were the fastest calculating device of their time. 

  • They were too bulky in size, requiring large rooms for installation.

  • Power consumption of these computers was very high.

  • They generated a large amount of heat because of vacuum tubes. so, it needs air conditioning for operation.

  • The commercial production was difficult.

  • Use machine code

  • Batch Processing OS used

Example- IBM 650, EDVAC, UNIVAC-1

Second Generation (1959-65)

  • The vacuum tubes were replaced by "transistors" which are smaller and more reliable electronic components.

  • They were more than ten times faster than the first-generation computers.

  • They were smaller than first generation computers and required smaller space.

  • They consume less power as compared to the first generation.

  • The air conditioning was still required for operation.

  • The commercial production was difficult and costly.

  • Assembly & HLL are use like FORTRAN, COBOL

  • Batch Processing & Multiprogramming OS used

Example- IBM 700, ATLAS

Third Generation (1965-71)

  • It uses "Integrated Circuits ICs" which are integrated into a very small silicon chip.

  • They are smaller in size

  • They are more powerful than second generation computers.

  • They consume less power and generate less heat as compared to the second generation.

  • They were suitable for commercial applications.

  • They are portable machines.


  • Remote, Multiprogramming, time sharing are used

Example- IBM 360/370, B 6500

Fourth Generation (1971-80)

  • Use the "Very Large Scale Interested Circuit (VLSI)" thirty thousands to one lakh components fabricated on a single silicon chip.

  • Faster in speed

  • Portable

  • Cheapest

  • More reliable

  • Totally general purpose machines.

  • Memory capacity is very high

  • Wide commercial uses

  • All HLL used

Example- HCL Workhouse, Magnum 3

Fifth Generation (1980-Current)

  • "(ULSICs) Ulta Large Scale Interested Circuit" are used in fifth-generation.

  • More than one lakh components are integrated in a single silicon chip.

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Example- PCs, Laptop

Human Being Vs Computer:-

Parameters of Comparison




A living soul with mind and body who breathes air and eats food for survival

A machine that needs electricity and an operating system


Humans rely on food

Computers rely on electricity

Humans are exemplary in reasoning 

and imagination.

Computers are good at computations 

and logic

Humans were made by God.

Computers are made by human

Humans have feelings and emotions

Computer have no feelings and 


Human can do both physical, Logical

Computer can do only mathematical

Human being can think of its own

Computer cannot think of its own

  1. A Human is not a machine, whereas a Computer is a machine.

  2. Humans have a brain, but computers have operating systems.

  3. Humans can do their work on themselves, but a computer needs a command to complete a task.

  4. Humans have emotions and creative thinking, but the computer does not have any emotions nor has thinking capability.

  5. Humans grow day by day, but the computer does not grow.

  6. Computers need to be updated for better processing, but humans cannot be updated.

Functionalities of Computer:-






  1. Take Input:- The process of entering data and instructions into the Computer system.

  2. Store Data:- Saving data and instructions so that they are available for Processing as and when required.

  3. Processing Data:- Performing arithmetic, and logical operations on data in Order to convert them into useful information.

  4. Output:- The process of producing useful information or results for Information. The user, such as a printed report or visual display.

  5. Control:- Directs the manner and sequence in which all of the above Operations are performed.

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